"The PAS" Motor Speedway
18700 Lake Perris Drive CA
Perris, CA 92571
(951) 940-0134
Lake Perris Fairgrounds
2013 Long Track Schedule
July 27 - AMA Speedway Motorcycle Longtrack Championship
2010 Long Track Schedule
April 17 - 2010 Longtrack Spring Classic
July 10 - 2010 California State Longtrack Championship
November TBA
2009 Long Track Schedule
July 11, 2009 - California Long Track Championship
October 15, 2009 - Southern California Fair Long Track Championship
Harald Zechner – Donnie Kazarian promoters, Oval Entertainment.We are also planning a race on the 1/2 mile
during the first or second week of November but we have not yet secured a date.That will make four races that will
be run there in 2010 compared to the two we ran last year.Scott Daloisio is the press officer and track announce.
Perris Auto Speedway is located on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds (home ofthe Southern California Fair that is held
in October), approximately one hour east of Los Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the
215 freeway, exit on the Ramona Expressway and go three miles east to the fairgrounds.
For Further Information contact Scott Daloisio (909)226-7768 or racesatthepas@aol.com
For Immediate Release
(SEPTEMBER 28, 2009, PERRIS, CA) Effective immediately, fans, racers and mediamembers who want to keep up with all of the latest news at Perris Auto Speedwaycan do so at Twitter. The service isfree and will feature every class that races on the famous Riverside Countyclay oval including Sprint Cars, Stock Cars, Motorcycles and Off-Road. The PAS Twitter address is: http://twitter.com/perrisautospdwy
Race information, results, weather and trafficconditions and Oval Nationals entries are just a few of the news items thatwill be featured in PAS tweets.
Formore information call The PAS at: (951) 940-0134.
Perris Auto Speedway is located on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds (home ofOctober’s Southern California Fair), approximately one hour east of Los Angelesand one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215 freeway,exit on the Ramona Expressway and go three miles east to the fairgrounds.
racesatthepas@aol.com is the onlyauthorized Internet address to issue official media news released from ThePerris Auto Speedway or Oval Entertainment
For Further Information contact Scott Daloisio (909)226-7768 or racesatthepas@aol.com;Kim Donner (951) 940-0134
Results - June 19, 1996
From: Gary Roberts
This is a brand new facility, that was built during the winter, specifically for sprint cars. It has two tracks, one inside the other,
the inner referred to as the quarter mile and the outer, the half mile. It did not take a mathematician to work out that these
sizes are very approximate, all that divided the tracks was straw bales that were added for the occasion. The meeting was run on
the quarter mile track. The surface looked very good from the spectators gallery, damped and about an inch thick with loose dirt,
slightly banked. The outer track was hard clay and heavily banked. An earlier speedway meeting took place 2 weeks earlier (I missed it)
and everyone had been very happy with the track conditions. Not the case last night. Most riders I talked to after the races said
it was rutty, and with large holes. Just goes to show how wrong appearances to this spectator can be.
The facilities at this track were exemplary. I have never seen such posh restrooms (sorry, breaking into US English there,
I mean toilets) at a speedway track, and there were several beers (or what are referred to locally as such) and wines available.
The quality of construction looked like a solid commitment to a long term facility. There was some very expensive looking high
steel posts around the outside of the track, holding heavy gauge mesh, to stop sprint car parts going into the crowd. This detracted
from viewing. But the fact is that such investment in a new sprint car track is encouraging. The fact that it can be used, for
speedway is also good. Now if only we could find someone to put up those kind of funds for a new speedway track. . . . .